Ah, the Republicans are moanin' about the sacred character of a full two week Christmas break, saying that no one works then. Guess none of the lazy sods has every worked in the private sector -- or even for state government.
I would complain about how spoiled they've gotten, what with the millions paid them by the 50 largest companies in America, but then I'd have to wonder why the Democrats, paid by the same 50 companies, are willing to work. Ya don't suppose it is political gamesmanship by the Republicans, do ya?
And how about that Senator Kyle from Arizona? Have ya ever seen a nastier piece of work (other than Karl Rove)? He complains that the loyal opposition, whom he characterizes as not-so-loyal (wouldn't that be "disloyal," Senator Kyle?) are weak on National Security but he himself is personally holding up the most important nuclear weapons treaty that has come along in three decades. Not just holdin' it up, he is, but by taking it past the deadline for ratification, he is killin' it.
Senator Kyle, 'tis a moral man you are, what with your tellin' every lie that serves you and with your willingness to let Americans die so you can try to run the US Senate. I'd go out on a limb here, and say that I think your gettin' a lump of coal in your Christmas stocking.